When do I need a health certificate/CVI?
You will always need a CVI (certificate of veterinary inspection) when transporting any livestock, including horses, across state lines or out of the country. You should also check with your destination and/or event for any specific requirements they may have.
Who can issue a health certificate?
Only a veterinarian who is licensed in your state of origin can legally issue a CVI. In addition to a veterinary license, the veterinarian issuing the CVI must also be accredited nationally with the USDA and have accreditation within the state of origin as well. In order to write CVI’s for livestock, a veterinarian must have a higher level of accreditation than for issuing CVI’s for dogs/cats and other companion animals, so in many cases, your dog or cat veterinarian cannot issue a CVI for livestock.
Why does my veterinarian need to examine my animals to issue a CVI?
Legally a veterinarian cannot issue a CVI unless they have personally examined the animals within 10 days of issuing the CVI. This is important to examine the animals prior to transport to ensure that they are not showing signs of infectious disease. In times of certain disease outbreaks the destination may require a shorter time frame from exam to issuing the CVI. The USDA takes CVI regulations very seriously and issuing a CVI without examining the animals could result in loss of accreditation, loss of veterinary license, and other penalties.
How long is a CVI good for?
In most cases, a CVI is good for 30 days from the date that it is issued. During certain infectious disease outbreaks, the destination may require a shorter time frame for CVI acceptance.
What if I am going to multiple destinations within a 30-day period?
If you have multiple destinations, other than stopovers on your way to a single destination, you will need a CVI for each state/destination. Each state has different requirements and a separate CVI is legally required for each destination in which you will spend time, other than travel through. Your veterinarian will have to contact each state that you are planning to visit and obtain current requirements and/or entry permit numbers for each destination separately.
What if I will be gone for more than 30 days?
If you are planning to travel with your horse or livestock for more than 30 days, you will need a new CVI issued at your destination location prior to return home.
Why is there a cost for a CVI?
Stricter enforcement of CVI regulations, as well as switching to a digital format and the mandatory ongoing continuing education to maintain accreditation to write health certificates have all played a role in costs. An accredited veterinarian MUST examine EACH animal in order to issue a CVI – a process that requires time, skill, and specialized training. Then a significant amount of time is spent ensuring that your animals meet the requirements of the destination, and that all information is correctly entered into the CVI. In some cases, it is time consuming to call to confirm regulations, as they are constantly changing in light of infectious disease status. Each state has their own individual requirement and it is the veterinarian’s responsibility to make sure each CVI is correct when it is issued. Then the CVI must be sent to the local USDA office for approval and review. Unfortunately this time must be accounted for.
8. What else do I need in order to travel with my horses besides a CVI?
Horses who travel across state lines will need a negative EIA test (Coggin’s test). Usually within 12 months of the date of travel, however some states require different timeframes so it’s important to check with our office and plan in advance incase bloodwork is needed.
9. How can I prepare for my CVI appointment?
When scheduling we need to know your destination state and if you are stopping over in any other states. This will allow our office to verify each states applicable requirements and determine if more than one CVI is needed.
Prior to the day of the appointment we need all of the heath certificate information in writing (email, text, or dropped off in clinic). This is once again to ensure all of the detailed information required to issue a CVI is correct. Information required on CVI’s includes:
Name, address (with county), and telephone number of owner
Date of travel (If you will be traveling for more than 30 days after the date of your CVI exam, you will need another CVI from your destination state to return to MI)
Reason for traveling (sale, show/exhibition, relocation, etc..)
Name, address and telephone number of person/company transporting and mode of transportation (truck/trailer, etc…)
Name, address (with county), and telephone number of Destination
If Shoreline Equine did not complete your horse(s) EIA we will need that sent to our office prior to the day of the appointment as well.